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About me.

Since I was born in 1999, I never knew what I wanted to do as a career.


That is until I picked up a Nintendo Gamecube Controller at a naighbors house while I was bored one day,from there my passion in video games sparked.


I began playing more and more games, engaging with the community, and enjoying these games. One night though a thought crossed my mind


While playing Mario Party on the DS I realized the game didn't come out of thin air so I wondered - "What goes into making a game like this?"


The seeds of Tygarts Games was planted but wouldn't become reality until, I went to Vocational School thats where I learned how to get a brand together and it became a reality.


Here, we wish to make high-quality titles regardless of how long it takes!  If you want to see our old projects then head to our personal portfolio

hopefully when you play a Tygarts Game, you'll have fun, laugh and maybe even tear up a bit!

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